Gorse Flower Kombucha - Finding Solace in Nature

Once seen, you can't unsee these beautiful golden flowers, blooming amidst a dark February in the northern hemisphere. I have taken to foraging more and more recently. It's allowed me to remain creative in the kitchen while giving me access to ingredients that cannot be bought, no matter how desperately I may at times search. I have also found such peace and solace in nature whilst going out foraging. It forces one to notice what is going on around you, what exists around you. It's important to understand the environment in which you live, to see the power and beauty of the natural world. In a world that is feeling more and more dissociative and placeless, to go out into the wild and find nature's produce is simply enriching. I have also, over the past few years, jumped aboard the fermentation train. The gut health and all that. I've been jumping into science-based books that would shock the chemistry teacher from whose class I quit just before our final school leav...